Written in Haxe, Bastard Snake set out to be a Snake clone that didn’t like you getting many points, but only got as far as making collecting points slightly inconvenient.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, I started drawing some free-to-download colouring pages with the idea of turning it into a regularly-updated thing. I lost interest after five pages.
When I used to use NearlyFreeSpeech.NET, I wrote a simple Python package that made using their API a little easier. (Be aware that I wrote this during my cram-as-much-shit-into-as-few-lines-as-possible phase.)
A bunch of code and text snippets, and a simple application for expanding placeholder content. I only really used a small handful of snippets, so those now live with my dotfiles.
A Laravel web application for displaying and maintaining a timeline, kinda like the one at JetBrains’ 25 Years of PHP History. I lost interest in tinkering with this in my spare time when I started writing a similar internal application for work.
A library of web-development-related stuff. I took the best bits and turned it into a general-purpose snippet library. The name was getting increasingly inaccurate, too.
Yet another static site generator, written in PHP. Initially written just for my personal site, I had a go at turning it into something others could use. I lost interest and went back to a simpler, more opinionated generator.