Updating Docker Containers with Docker Compose
I use Docker Compose to manage the Docker containers I run on my
Synology DiskStation. If there are changes to docker-composer.yml
that need deploying or the containers currently running need updating,
the following will ensure everything is up-to-date and any detritus is
cleared up:
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans
$ docker image prune -f
$ docker volume ls -f dangling=true
$ # If dangling volumes exist, remove them with "docker volume prune -f".
You may need to run these commands with sudo
. The Docker documentation
has more information on pruning unused Docker objects if the above
pruning commands don’t go far enough.
If, like me, you’re running these commands on a DiskStation, you can safely ignore any “Docker container stopped unexpectedly” notifications from DiskStation Manager.